St Teresa's Catholic Primary School

Catholic Life of the School

The Catholic school is an open community, concerned with the education of the whole person. It presents a unique, clear vision of God, people and life, centered on Gospel values and reflective of the teaching of the Catholic Church. Hence, the formation of each person is regarded as being as important as the information which is transmitted through the teaching offered.

We have been awarded the Oscar Romero Award which recognises that St. Teresa’s Catholic Primary school puts Catholic Social Teaching at the heart of our ethos and culture, so that all within the school can experience life to the full.

This award has come about by a rigorous process of assessing every aspect of school life, from our curriculum to policies and practical examples.

As a school, we are so proud to be the first primary school in the Clifton Diocese to receive this award. This is a culmination of 3 years work embedding the principles of Catholic Social Teaching within school life. This included dedicated inset days, Catholic Social Teaching weeks to support children’s understanding of the principles, making links within the school curriculum and designing our bespoke school Catholic Social Teaching logos—which you will have seen in previous newsletters.
The report highlighted:

'Leaders commitment to promoting Catholic Social Teaching is evident in all different aspects of school life.'
'links to CST are explicit and clear in teachers' plans.’
'Children and staff clearly have a range of opportunities for practical action to put Catholic Social Teaching into practice.’
'It is clear that you are reaching out to parents and the wider community through your Newsletters and this is to be commended.'
'The school community has benefitted from the foci on CST and are committed to further impact on the school and wider community.'

RE Newsletter

Click on the school badge to view the latest RE newsletter

Liturgical Parent Newsletter

Jesus’ resurrection on Easter Sunday is such a foundational cornerstone of our faith that we don’t just celebrate it on Easter Sunday, but for 50 days called ‘Eastertide’. This year, liturgical prayer assemblies are exploring the overarching theme ‘We are an Easter people and “Alleluia is our song!”’ 

Please click below  to view the newsletter: 

Liturgical Prayer

Liturgical prayer takes place weekly and are where the whole school family, key stage family or individual class families come together to listen to scripture and prayer.

Monday morning Whole School Liturgical Prayer based on the previous Sunday's Gospel.
Tuesday Key Stage 1 and 2 Liturgical Prayer
Friday Whole School Celebration Assembly
Throughout the week

Class family reflections

Whole school family masses take place throughout the year and each class has a class mass (Y1-Y6).  Staff, parents and parishioners come together in school to worship together in a pupil-led service.


There are many other opportunities across the year for children to join together in prayer.  To find out more click here.

Collective Worship Policy

Virtues @ St. Teresa's

A virtue is a habitual way of behaving, a disposition, that forms good character and, at the same time, constitutes a particular kind of community. Virtues build ethos. Virtues show us the way in which we should live our lives. 

Here at St Teresa’s we aim to not only teach every single child about the meaning of each of our school virtues as set out above, but also to provide opportunities for children to demonstrate that virtue in the way they behave because virtues only exist in their performance. Virtues make a person both who and how they are. Through understanding and performing the virtues, children will have the opportunity to ‘live life to the full’ (John 10).

To find out what virtues are taught across the school year, click here.

Catholic Social Teaching

At St Teresa's we talk about Catholic Social Teaching with the children and we encourage the children to make links with what they learn and how they behave to the following six principals of Catholic Social Teaching.

Click on the image below to view examples of this in action: 

Liturgical Year

As an integral part of our Catholic ethos, all pupils are made aware, throughout the school year, of the changes and celebrations relating to the Church's Liturgical Year. These events are highlighted in our reflection areas around the school and in every classroom’s personal RE display and reflection area. The children are aware of the liturgical changes with the changing colours of our cloths and foci for reflection areas.


We focus our work to help others through the priniciples of Catholic social teaching.  Catholic social teaching (CST) is rooted in Scripture, formed by the wisdom of Church leaders, and influenced by grassroots movements. It is our moral compass, guiding us on how to live out our faith in the world. 

'Our faith calls us to love God and to love our neighbours in every situation, especially our sisters and brothers living in poverty. Following in the footsteps of Christ, we hope to make present in our unjust and broken world, the justice, love and peace of God.'  (CAFOD)

We want our pupils to learn that those, who can, should give to help those in need. This may take the form of donations and fund-raising, but there are other ways of helping. For example, the choir sings at Christmas for the residents of our local care home and patients of Southmead Hospital.

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