St Teresa's Catholic Primary School

2025 - 2026 Admissions

At St Teresa’s Catholic Primary School the Governing Body controls admissions and is responsible for managing the Admissions Policy. The school serves the Catholic communities of St Teresa’s and St Vincent’s.  Applications are welcome from other members of the community who wish their children's education to be guided by Christian principles. These applications are considered in accordance with our Admissions Policy. For help and information with applying for a place at St Teresa’s, please click the links below.

If your child was born between 1 September 2020 and 31 August 2021 you can apply for a new reception school entry place to join St Teresa’s in September 2025.

More information on the Admission process can be found on Bristol City Council’s Admissions pages

Applications for a reception place at St Teresa’s Catholic Primary School must be made to the Local Authority (LA) where your child lives.   For children whose home address is located within the City of Bristol, the application for a reception place must be made on Bristol Local Authority’s Common Application Form online at or sent by post to: Schools Admissions Department, Bristol City Council, PO Box , 3176, Bristol BS3 9FS.  This form MUST be submitted by 23.59 on 15th January 2025 to be considered in the first round of applications.

If you are applying online, please make sure you have been sent a confirmation email from School Admissions acknowledging receipt of your application.

We welcome all applications to St Teresa’s Catholic Primary School.  However, if you are applying on faith grounds please send a copy of your child's Baptismal Certificate or equivalent validation to the school at the time of your application to your home Local Authority.  If you would like an acknowledgement of documentation (which we recommend) please provide a self-addressed and stamped envelope.  You have until 17th February 2025 to return this to us.  Any baptism certificates received after the this date cannot be considered for first round applications.  Please note that proof of the child’s birth date may be requested after a place has been offered.

Once the deadline has passed, School Admissions will send us a list of applicants. We then rank those applicants according to our admissions criteria as detailed in our Admissions Policy and we will then return our ranked list to School Admissions who will then offer the places to selected children, either by letter or email.

If you are offered a place for your child, you will need to inform the Council that you wish to accept the place.  The Council will then inform us. 


What do you do if you are not offered a place at St Teresa’s?

You will be asked by School Admissions if you wish to place your child on our waiting list or accept the place you have been offered at another school. If you decide to place your child on the waiting list, we will be informed by School Admissions.

Because parents and carers have the right to wait until October for their first choice preference, we won't necessarily know until then if a place is available or not. As soon as a place becomes free, School Admissions informs the school. We then inform them of who is first on the waiting list, and School Admissions offer the place to that child.

Once the new academic year has started, and usually sometime in November, School Admissions will write to all families on the waiting list to ask them if they want to remain on the list. If they receive no reply, your child's name will be taken off the waiting list. If you wish to stay on our waiting list after the start of the new academic year, it would be very helpful if you would please let us know, by email, telephone or letter.

If you were not offered a place at St Teresa's and wish to appeal against this decision please click on the link below for further information


If you have not been offered a place at school and wish to appeal please complete the form at the link below.  Full guidance on appeals can be found at

Appeals form 


Please click on the link below to see the breakdown of places offered for Reception in September 2024

Allocation statement for 2024


In-Year Applications

If you would like your child to be considered for a place at St Teresa’s Catholic Primary School for any year group we require the following:

  • A completed in year application form.
  • A copy of your child's baptism certificate if they are Catholic.

Your application will be ranked in line with our Admissions Policy and considered by Governors.  You will be notified within 15 school days of your request for a place whether there is a place available.   

If we are unable to offer your child a place they will be put on the waiting list and considered for any future spaces that come up.  As soon as a place becomes available we will contact you.

Waiting Lists

Your child will remain on the waiting list until the last school day of the summer term in the academic year you applied.  After that date they will be removed from the waiting list unless you telephone or email the school office and ask that they remain on the waiting list. 

If you have not heard from us, it is because we have nothing to offer you at present. We will contact you as soon as we have a place to offer you.


2025 - 2026 Admissions Policy

In-Year Application Form 


 To view maps of the parish boundaries please click on the links below

St Teresa's Parish Boundary Map                    St Vincent's Parish Boundary Map