St Teresa's Catholic Primary School

Physical Education @ St. Teresa's

In PE, all pupils have 2 hours of high quality PE every week.  One hour is taught by Mrs Thayer (Year 2 to Year 6), a specialist PE HLTA, which focuses on skill acquisition, development and application into game situations and uses competition to further develop the children's skills, techniques and tactics.  The curriculum provides opportunities for pupils to become physically confident in a way that supports their health and fitness.  It is also a priority to encourage all students to develop a love for sport and physical activity that will continue into secondary school and beyond to help support an active healthy life.

The other is team taught by the class teacher with the PE specialist which is a sport specific lesson.  In both lessons pupils work at different and appropriate levels, with interventions personalised to challenge and support them.

Additionally, children  in all Key Stage 2 classes visit Mojo and take part  in outdoor and adventurous activity challenges both individually and within a team.

Every child in year 6 takes part in competitive activity against another school, in addition to the various matches and competitions in a variety of sports against other schools for different year groups.  There is a range of extra-curricular PE clubs run by school staff.  St. Teresa's Primary takes part in the North Bristol School Games competitions.

We have an annual Sports Day where every child competes in a series of challenges on behalf of their house against the other houses.  

Extra Curricular Sport


Our school mixed netball team train after school every week during the school year, and play regular matches against other local school teams. They have developed a knowledge of the different positions and can tell you where they play best. The girls and boys have shown outstanding teamwork as well as fantastic footwork. 

They are coached by Ms Layet.

Skip 2 Be Fit

The whole school takes part in the Skip 2 Be Fit challenge, where they work to improve their personal best in number of skips in a minute.


Basketball club teaches children the rules of Basketball, as well as the technical skills needed to be a good player. Pupils learn to shoot, dribble, defend and pass. 

They are coached by Mrs Thayer, with occasional visiting coaches.


All children in Year 4 and 6 have the opportunity to have Bikebility lessons.  Through these lessons children gain practical skills and understanding how to cycle safely on today's roads.

These are led by the Bristol Cycling Centre.

House Families

Last year, children voted to change the House Family names to sports people.  Children looked at the values of each sports person who would inspire each of us to excellence in the light of Christ.

Sports Day 2024

Congratulations to Adams who won the Sports Day for 2024.


We believe that swimming is not only a fantastic sport, but is also an essential life skill. We endeavour to ensure that as many of our children as possible are able to swim unaided by the time they leave St. Teresa's Primary.

All of our year 3 children swim at Horfield Sports Centre every week for the whole year.

All of our Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6 children swim at Horfield Sports Centre for two terms every year.

PE Outcomes

Year 3 Gym